Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy has been used for 1000s of years and in many different cultures all with the same intention; to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance. Every atom in the universe and cell in your body is vibrating constantly and this can be directed and enhanced through the power of sound frequencies and therapies. Everyday stress and illness can bring our frequency out of balance. The instruments used in Sound Therapy bring our bodies back to their correct frequency taking us back to a state of perfect harmony.
Sound Therapy brings profound states of balance back into the body, mind and soul. It connects us into our bodies own need and desire to self heal and supports our bodies self healing process. There is a dialogue between our bodies and the instruments and so our body is in control at all times. We only release what we are ready to release and this is why for me it has been the most powerful of healing modalities whilst simultaneously being the least intrusive. Integrating Sound Therapies and vibrational tools into your life on a regular basis will lead to deeper peace, insights, emotional wellbeing and healing on many levels.
Benefits Include:
Stress Reduction, Deep Relaxation, Reduces Anxiety, Lowers Blood Pressure, Promotes Deeper Sleep, Cells Receive a Sonic Massage, Clears Negative Energy, Thoughts and Emotions, Helps us to Connect with our Higher Self, Removes Blockages and Toxins, Strengthens and Supports our Immune System, Boosts the body’s endorphins (natural painkillers), Increases Vital Energy Flow, Creativity, Intuition and Motivation. Helps to clear and release old limiting patterns of behaviour, habits and ways of thinking that no longer serve us and are detrimental to our health
Sound Baths
A Surround Sound Experience unlike any other. A Sound Bath is an immersion in beautiful sounds and vibrations that are healing for your body, mind and spirit. The term ‘bath’ signifies being bathed in sound waves. There’s no water or touching involved. The sounds literally wash over and through your body at a cellular level creating a deeply relaxing, meditative and healing experience.
Overnight Gong Pujas
The overnight Gong Puja is a Sacred Ceremony and Sound Meditation developed by Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux. The Gong Puja gives you 10 consecutive 45 minute gong sound immersions bathing in the sound of the Gong. Creating a safe space where one might stay totally awake while totally asleep. The Gongs are played gently throughout the night into early morning while participants sleep or meditate within the sonic field bathed in the healing sound vibrations (customarily lasting 7 1/2 hours/450 minutes).. Within this sonic field you may repair, cleanse and release discomfort, tension and blocks. A deep state of relaxation maybe experienced and within this inner stillness is where deep healing can begin to happen. This bliss filled dream state where anything is possible.
Sound Massage
In this treatment the client is fully clothed lying on the plinth/massage table. Therapeutically made singing bowls are placed on the body in specific areas and soft felted mallets strike the bowls releasing gentle but deep vibrations that go through our bodies at a cellular level. I like to refer to it as a Cosmic Massage as no other treatments go so deep revitalising all our cells whilst simultaneously being so non intrusive. The vibrations clear any blockages of energy we have in our bodies working though our meridian points and are amazing for reducing pain in the body. A deep and profoundly relaxing treatment with long lasting effects.
*As with all therapies we advise pregnant women not to participate within their first trimester. Anyone with sound induced epilepsy please consult with your doctor first. Hearing aid users are advised to take out or turn off their aids. Because so much of the therapy is vibrational you will still enjoy the benefits.
Sound Immersion Events
Sound Baths are available as a one on one session or as a group; public sessions open to all, private groups, retreats, workshops and corporate events.
Please contact me if you would like to arrange for a Sound Immersion event or Gong Puja in your space. Previously this has included work spaces, hospitals, homes, retreat centres, weddings, churches, community halls, galleries, outside spaces. We can bring the Sound to you. ‘Have Gong will travel’