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All Other Therapies

The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the energetic records of all souls about their past lives, the present lives, & possible future lives. Each soul has its Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall (or Library) of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored energetically.


The information is stored in the Akashic field & also contains our collective wisdom. When Akashic records are accessed the information pertaining to current life situations is highlighted. We can gain insights into any karmic debts, blockages or patterns that are still manifesting in this life as a result of previous lifetimes. Latent patterns in our life come to the surface so they can be healed.  

The records point out the origin of such karmic debts, patterns or blockages which in most cases can be traced back to previous lifetimes. Some of these are linked to unfinished business or pending lessons that the soul has yet to learn. In some cases these are the triggers to remind the soul of lessons mastered in previous lifetime that are waiting to be activated through memory in this lifetime. 

Tameana Crystal Healing

Tameana Crystal Energy Healing-The Pleiadian Connection

Tameana, the Sacred Triangle, or Salush Nahi, is defined as a practice that came from the stars in Ancient Lemuria. Symbols channelled from Pleiadian source are combined with clear quartz crystals in a pyramidal circuit to activate this energetic healing treatment.

 This high frequency energy has the ability to remove blockages from our energetic field, taking us to a place of peace & tranquilityTameana is profound vibrational work, providing doorways of awareness & healing on multi dimensional levels; effecting all of the patients’ planes of existence. Tameana awakens the I AM seed in our soul, awakening changes within us by raising consciousness & vibrational frequency. 
Blue Synergy Healing

Blue Light Synergy- Healing with Pleiadian/Angelic Frequencies

Blue Light Synergy is not a technique, but a form of connection to higher realms, creating a portal guarded & sustained by Pleiadians. These higher consciousness beings serve as a relay between the even higher realms where we find the AngelicsPleiadians & Angels work together with our clients spirit guides to assist in both releasing of dense energies & the anchoring of light codes. 

Gold Logo

Past Life Regression Therapy

PLT is incredibly successful in creating dramatic and positive change in our lives. It allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life. PLRT helps us gain greater knowledge, understanding and insights into why we feel, act behave and respond as we do today: as we trace back to our past lives the reasons, and origins for these feelings and behaviours.

A Past Life Regression hypnotherapy session can help you: 

  • Identify souls who have incarnated with you over and over again 
  • Heal Relationships 
  • Overcome Past Life Patterns including fears 
  • Identify and Remove Blockages 
  • Understand the Purpose of your Life 

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing is a 5th dimensional frequency vibration healing energy. It is a tool for the Ascension process because its focus is on the heart – Unconditional Spiritual Love and CompassionIt also connects you to the loving healing energy of the Goddess Kwan Yin; the Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.

Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centres (the chakras) whilst directing the healing through the mental, emotional body and the physical body. You feel held, nurtured and nourished as your heart opens and you connect on a deeper level to your soul and inner wisdom.   

Whatever stage you’re at on your journey, Magnified Healing meets you there and takes you to the next level! 

Access Bars

Access Bars

Running the Bars

Releasing limits. Empowering your life.

There are 32 points on our head which when gently touched, effortlessly & easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer & removing all blocks. In a ‘Bars’ session you can release a lifetimes worth of judgements, conclusions, decisions & attitudes that may be impeding your ability to create the life you desire.

What can Bars change?

  • Phobias & Depression
  • Body Pain
  • Deeper Sleep & More Energy
  • Unlock Creativity
  • Find Clarity & Calm
  • Reduce Emotional Overload
  • Money Flow
  • Relationships
  • Ease With Exams
  • And Much Much More…